V-COMFORT Turbo Highlights
Highest bedding performance
BvL straw blower
Almost all of your mixer wagons can be fitted with our mechanically powered straw blower. The patented direct attachment of the straw blower to the mixing vessel provides for a continuous flow of material. Capable of delivering a throw distance of up to 30 m and featuring a capacity of 320 kg/min and a built-in stone trap, our straw blower is a real powerhouse that marries muscle with safety.
Direct ejection on the right in the direction of travel
BvL ejection - direct
By default, the BvL straw blower ejects the material directly on the right in the direction of travel. The ejection system is particularly powerful. The direction can be adjusted hydraulically 20° towards the right or the left.
Rotating ejection to the right or the left (190° rotation)
BvL ejection - rotating
The user can opt to eject the material to the right and/or the left. The ejection system rotates hydraulically by 190°. This makes it possible to eject feed on both sides in the same direction of travel.
Water spraying unit for binding dust
BvL Air - Clean
Pairing the straw blower with a mixer wagon lets the user add water to the straw while the bales of straw are being broken up. The dust contained in the straw binds with water during the mixing process. This eliminates the formation of dust almost completely while the material is being ejected.
Integrated stone trap to prevent damage from rock chips
BvL stone trap
Every straw blower made by BvL is equipped with a stone trap. It is housed between the mixing hopper and the blower. This device traps the bulk of the stones found in the straw bale. Cleaning the stone trap could not be easier and can be accomplished by giving it a quick “kick”.
Vacuum straw blower for an optimized flow of material
BvL Air-Flow
The BvL straw blower operates on the “air flow“ principle. The special throwing wheel sucks the straw from the mixing hopper into the straw blower. This provides for a constant and reliable flow of material from the mixing hopper. The ejection of the straw into the barn is exceptionally powerful and continuous. The system makes it possible to achieve straw quantities of 320 kg/min and a maximum throw distance of 30 m.